A wonderful family friend

Created by angierandall16 10 years ago
All the wonderful comments & tributes I've been reading over the last few days ring so true to me. The stories on here show just how loved Derek was. My memories of Derek will always be of a kind & gentle man, who was always interested in people & was a pleasure to talk to. He was a wonderful family friend & great company, always interesting to talk to at family parties & at Christmas meet ups. My mum & dad were always so impressed by Derek's knowledge of up to date music & music was clearly a passion for him & something he enjoyed greatly. We won't mention his support for Pompey, but I always enjoyed our football chats & he was actually very kind about Saints. His family & friends were clearly everything to him & I know that he will be very very missed & very fondly remembered. Sending all my love, Angie Randall